In our daily life we are surrounded by chemicals.
To improve protection against risks against the chemicals, The European Union adopted on December 18th 2016 the REACH (abbreviated name of its origin in English Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals) Regulation.
What are the REACH targets?
This Regulation regulates the production and the use of chemical substances and their potential impact on both human health and on the environment.
It is considered today as the most complex legislation elaborated by the European Union and the most important in the last 20 years. It took 7 years to write the 849 pages that compose it.
To date it is the strictest legislation regulating the quimical substances with impact in all industries around the world. REACH applies to certain substances that are part of objects and any company importing goods in Europe can be affected.
You can entirely download the regulation in the following link
How to control compliance of REACH?
Approximately 143,000 commercialized chemical substances were pre-registered until the deadline of December 1st 2008. The reason was that the pre-registered substances had a longer term for the registration process.
Currently the supply of substances to the European market that have not been pre-registered or registered is illegal.
What other contributions does REACH?
REACH also regulates the use of “Chemical Substances of Very High Concern” (abbreviated SVHC, of English Substances of Very High Concern) because of their negative impact in the human health or the environment.
Since June 1st 2011, the European Chemical Agency (also known as ECHA from the English European Chemical Agency) must be notified of the presence of SVHCs in articles in which the total quantity used is greater than 1 ton per year and are present in more than 0,1% of the mass of the object.
Some uses of theses substances may be subject to prior ECHA Authorization. Applicants should include plans to achieve an alternative to the use of these substances for a safer alternative.
The list of SVHC substances is in continuous evolution. In this link you can download the complete list of Included Substances updated as of January 2017 You can also download the list of Candidate Substances (pending of decision) that are currently under study
How does REACH affect steel?
In the composition of steel no substance regulated by this Regulation has been deliberately included. Therefore, steel products are not affected by this Regulation.
Our special steels can be used in the processes of our customers with total guarantee.
Links to the declarations for downloading